How to Decorate a Maple Leaf Sugar Cookie
As Vermonters, we here at Ann Clark love all things maple. The wet-on-wet technique used to create these maple leaves is so easy to do, and is really effective at capturing the technicolor look of fall foliage.
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Maple Leaf Cookie Cutter
- 4 Tipless Piping Bags
- Mocha Brown Food Coloring
- Super Red Food Coloring
- Pumpkin Orange Food Coloring
- Spatulas & pint glasses to fill your piping bags
- Scissors
Bake and cool cookies before decorating. Get Ann Clark's no-fail sugar cookie recipe here. Or, lean in to the fall flavors with this delicious Maple Sugar Cookie recipe. Make sure cookies are fully cooled. If they are warm, the icing will run off of them. Make royal icing. Learn how to mix different consistencies of royal icing here>>
Prepare the following icing colors:
Piping Consistency:
Flood Consistency:
Orange -
2Using the brown piping consistency icing, outline the entire leaf shape. The next steps need to be performed one right after the other, so read ahead and make sure that all of your icing is ready before moving on to the next step.
3Use brown flood consistency icing to outline the shape again.
4Use red flood consistency icing to pipe another line outlining the shape, inside of the brown outline as shown.
5Fill the remaining space with orange flood consistency icing. You can use a scribe tool to ensure full coverage.
While the brown, red, and orange icing is still wet, use a scribe tool or toothpick to gently pull the icing toward the edge of the leaf. Start from the middle of the leaf and drag the icing out. Repeat this process 10-15 times, until you're satisfied with the results. There is no need to clean your toothpick or scribe tool between each drag. The mixing of colors adds to the design, making a more realistic look.
Let this base layer dry for 30-60 minutes, until the icing is just crusted over. You can place the cookies under or next to a fan to speed up the drying process. -
Using brown piping consistency icing to pipe the veins of the leaf, as shown.
Pro Tip: When creating lines using piping consistency icing, it is important to position your hand slightly above the surface where you'll be starting your line. Push the icing out and then guide the icing where you want to start your line. Don't attempt to start your line with the tip of your icing bag touching the cookie, as you won't get neat lines that way. Apply even pressure and continue to guide the icing to lay where you'd like it to go. When you reach the end of your line, release the pressure and gently lay the end of the line down. This technique will create an even line without bubbles-or thicker icing-at the beginning and end.
WATCH: How to Decorate a Fall Maple Leaf Sugar Cookie with Royal Icing
Recipe Video
Cookies decorated by Laura Luk of Butterfly Bakes Atlanta