Photo courtesy of Gwen Flewelling.
Summer isn't over just yet, but it's back-to-school already! The sight of pencils and folders might make students and teachers alike run for the hills, but we aim to soften that reality by introducing some of our favorite back-to-school-themed cookies and treats. Big and little kids- as well as their teachers- will happily nosh on these selections.
For teachers to give to students

Photo courtesy of Ellie's Bites Decorated Cookies.
Show your students how much you care by treating them to a platter of cookies on the first day of school!
Favorite shapes include Square Plaque Cookie Cutter, Alphabet Cookie Cutters and the Number One Cookie Cutter.
For students to give to teachers

Photo courtesy of Sweet Art Sweets.
Thank your teacher(s) with a sweet snack that's sure to please!
Favorite shapes include Gem Cookie Cutter, Apple Cookie Cutter and Photo Plaque Cookie Cutter.

Photo courtesy of Gwen Flewelling.
Cookie cutters aren't just for cookies! They could also be used as tools for personalizing school supplies (e.g. trace the shape on a binder or a paper-bag book cover), given as- or included with -a "thank-you" gift to a teacher, teaching assistant, or anyone who has been especially helpful at school, or used to make shapes in pancakes, brownies, fudge, and other soft dessert. Yum!
Favorite shapes include School Bus Cookie Cutter, use our Church Cookie Cutter for a school house and Pencil Cookie Cutter.For all the parents, students, teachers, and everyone else who's back to the educational grindstone… we hope you have a wonderful year!